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Alexi Matchavariani (23.09.1913 - 31.12.1995) Алекси Мачавариани
About Alexi
Alexi Matchavariani, Peoples Artist of the USSR, a winner of the USSR State Prize and Shota Rustaveli Prize of the Georgian Republic, winner of the Golden Medal of <Centro Cultural Braidense> in Milano for the music of Othello, Professor, was born in the town of Gori in Eastern Georgia. He studied violin and piano...
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The Messenger: Alexi Matchavariani - the Beethoven of Georgia

Key Press Excerpts

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1.)   Brilliant music, brilliant performance… it’s a great success… again I want to underline the music of Alexi Matchavariani, which is talented and perfectly orchestrated.
            D. Shostakovich. “Zaria Vostoka”, 25-03-1958.

2.)   …”Othello” and Alexi Matchavariani’s score is a stunning dramatic pulse – sinuous, barbed, bombastic and tender in turn. …it’s Shakespeare with electricity.
            By Howard Thomson. The New York Times. Monday. May 4, 1964.

3.)    A. Matchavariani’s violin concerto is beautiful – it contains all the passion, the poetry and deep spirituality… Added to the lyrical quality of the music there is a robust intellectual approach – all in all, a most memorable piece which any violinist would have great pleasure in interpreting.
            Sir Yehudi Menuhin. London. 20-06-1985.

4.)    Alexei Davidovich Matchavariani in a author of the excellent violin concerto.
            David Oistrach. 27-02-1952. On the day of the performance of
            A. Matchavariani violin concerto by D. Oistrach.

5.)    Not any of compliments or fascination can describe the huge esthetic joy, which one has seeing and hearing ballet “Othello”. We can glorify people who have created this masterpiece.
            Maya Plisetskaia. 25-03-1958. “Komunist”.

6.)    “Othello” is one of the greatest choreographycal – Symphonic creations. It is one of the most remarkable events of the modern musical creations.
            V. Gorodinsky. “Theater” № 6, 1958.

7.)    No doubt, “Othello” is one of the greatest achievements of arts of music and theater.
            D. Kabalevsky. “Musical life”, Moscow , №6 , march 1958.

8.)    It is a real Shakespeare. Talking about the creative truth on the stage. I will give you one more example, it is “Othello” of A. Matchavariani.
            L. Danilevich. “Soviet Music”, № 12, 1960.

9.)    …Heute ist der name des Volkskuenstler der UdSSR und Staatspreistragers Alexi Matchavariani weit ueber die Grenzen Grusiens hinaus bekannt. Seine Klavier – und Violinkonzerte werden in vielen Laendern der Erde aufgefuehrt. Eine vorzuegliche Interpretin seiner Klavierstuecke ist die deutsche Pianistin Annerose Schmidt, Preistraeger des Schumann – und des Chopin – Wettbewerbs. Das Orchester der Berliner Philharmonie unter Leitung von Franz Konwitschny begleitete mehrfach sowjetische und auslaendische Interpreten Matchavarianis.
            “Sowjetunion heute” 16.01.1966. Deutschland.

10.)    Matchavariani – “Othello” est a la fois une oeuvre georgienne et universelle, tres tendue, intensement dramatique.
            Journal Musical Francais, №152. Decembre, 1966. Page: 48.

11.)    IL M Maciavariani si e voluto reincarnare spiritualmente nel dramma di “Otello” dando a questo personaggio e novita di incisivo interesse – un temperamento dolce ed aggressivo nello stesso tempo; il risultato di questa sintesi nella composizione musicale ha fatto nascere cosi'una delle piu belle pagine liriche di questo balletto. Maciavariani in “Otello” non vende l'africano arso dalla gelosia od influenzato dall animo diabolico di Jago per indurlo sino al delitto; il Maestro, pur senza alterare la figura del protagonista, transforma Otello in un eroe che innanzitutto e prima di tutto ama Desdemona di un amore puro e sincero; …Maciavariani riesce compositore altamente espressiro, perché egli segne ogni personaggio della trama shakespeariana, con la sua chiara luce che risalta in modo stupendo ed indimenticabille in questo maraviglioso balletto.
            Centro Culturale Braidense – Milano. 14-11-1973.
            Alexi Matchavariani has received the Golden Medal of
            Centro Culturale Braidense for music of “Othello”.

12.)   “Othello” is a craftsmanship of music writing is a rare talent, it is a characteristic fine for A. Matchavariani.
            M. Tzarev. “ Zaria Vostoka”, 1958.

13.)    Tender, wise, courageous in the №1 symphony of A. Matchavariani, which has affinity with №5 symphony of Prokofiev and №5 of Shostakovich.
            T. Lebedeva. “Soviet Music” № 8, 1960.

14.)    Listening this fresh and colorful music (“The day of my homeland”)… it proves that A. Matchavariani showed a real talent of innovation, a great taste and creativity.
            V. Kuharski. “Soviet Music” № 2, 1956.

15.)    The most fascinating in ballet Othello’s music is the truth and sparkling character of the heroes, mighty strength, individuality of the characters and deep feelings together with a real theatrical brilliance.
            N. Shumskaia. “Soviet Music” № 6, 1958.

16.)    №4 Symphony of A. Matchavariani is a perfect dramatic form, perfectly orchestrated, it is sparkling.
            V.Likht."Music Life", Moscow. №4, 1986.

17.)   La musique d’Alexi Matchavariani est puissante, lyrique et pittoresque. Un fabuleux chevalier a la peau de tigre.
            Gilberte Gournand – “Le Parisien”, 11-01-1998.

18.)    …ballet conventionnel teinte, comme la musique d’Alexei Matchavariani, de quelques touches contemporaines et d’accents georgiens. Une grande machine neo-classique a couleur exotique, pavee de bons sentiments et comme il fant en faire de temps en temps en Union sovietique pour etre bien vu.
            Rene Sirvin. “Le Figaro”, 07-01-1988.

19.)    Then there is the score to which the work is set (“The Knight in the Tiger Skin”). It is by Alexey Machavariani, and is as overwhelming to the ear as the setting are to the eye.
            By Jakob Siskind. “The citizen” – Ottawa. 14-06-1986.

20.)    …the abrasive score of Alexei Machavariani, heavy on Stravinsky – like percussion and throbbing rhythms, is punctured by a few oases of lush and romantic melodies in stormy “Knight”.
            Stephen Godfrey At. “The Globe & Mail”, 20-05-1986.

21.)    “Le roi doit mourir” sur une tres belle musique concrete de Machavariani, est un spectacle d’une beaute grandiose comme une tragedie antique.
            La Marseillaise Marseille. 10-08-1979.

22.)    A. Matchavarianis Musik ist ein Kaleidoskop menschlicher Getriebenheit. Sie zeigt sich expressiv und dynamisch, sie ist klar, voller Poesie und Zugleich farbenpraechtig”.
            Sueddeutsche Zeitung. 27-04-1998.

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